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Mesa, Arizona — Pacific Coast Hospice, provider of end-of-life care, is the first approved Arizona hospice provider to be connected to FirstNet – the nationwide broadband network dedicated to public safety. The company’s access to FirstNet enables Pacific Coast Hospice employees to use the highly secure and reliable communications tool for patient care and assistance in any circumstance while in the field.

FirstNet is designed to improve communications across public safety entities nationwide, allowing first responders to communicate with one another easily and quickly during everyday situations, big events or emergencies. This capability is integral to solving communications roadblocks that previously have been imposed on public safety agencies and first responders.

Pacific Coast Hospice joined FirstNet because of the support the company provides to hospitals for both patient care and emergency preparedness. Pacific Coast Hospice serves as an extended primary user—an organization or agency that could be called on during an emergency response to help support public safety. Eligibility for extended primary user status is rigorously reviewed before service is approved to help ensure that FirstNet’s unique capabilities remain dedicated to first responders and those who support them.

“We are pleased to join FirstNet and be given the opportunity to serve our patients quickly, efficiently and securely,” said Lisa Hunt, Executive Director of Pacific Coast Hospice. “We applaud AT&T for the development of this innovative program and for their dedication to public safety.”

Pacific Coast Hospice joined FirstNet to provide its care providers with reliable, modern communications tools needed to provide high-quality patient care, including:

  • One communication platform that allows efficient and effective coordination of emergency responses across agencies and jurisdictions.
  • Always-on priority and pre-emption for first responders and the ability to uplift other supporting agencies to provide reliable access to network connection when it’s needed–even when the network is congested.
  • A physically separate, highly secure network core purpose-built for public safety’s sensitive communications.
  • Planned increases in coverage and capacity, enabling caregivers to better respond to emergencies.
  • Innovative tools–like relevant applications and connected devices–to provide more actionable information for heightened situational awareness.

FirstNet is built with AT&T in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority). It’s designed for public safety.

To learn more about FirstNet, go to FirstNet.com. Individual first responders can subscribe to FirstNet at a local AT&T store.

FirstNet and the FirstNet logo are registered trademarks of the First Responder Network Authority. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.


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